Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Strava goals

Something has been bothering me for a while. Every time I log into Strava I see this little graphic showing my lack of progress against some goal distances I set myself at the beginning of the year.

They were quite arbitrary targets (I obviously favoured the base ten numerical system to pick my numbers) that were larger than my actual distances I achieved in 2015. For the last four months I have watched that little black line, the one that shows where I should be, moving away from the blue progress bar. Last week was the first time I started closing the gap.

In fact, last week I did some kind of activity every day, and I don’t remember ever doing that before, I have usually enjoyed the rest days that I feel entitled to after exercising. The most notable of these days was on Bank holiday Sunday where I cycled 55k, ran 4k then swam 1k in a miss-ordered triathlon training session.

In total I rode 92.4kms, ran 28.2kms, swam 2500m and kayaked (although that isn’t on the list) 14kms. I need to keep that sort of mileage up every week with the exception of the cycle, if I am going to catch my targets by the end of the year.

I am however going to taper for the rest of this week. I have the wings for life world run at the weekend and I really want to do well. Using the goal calculator I think I’m going to get about 20kms before I get caught by the catch car, I’d really like to stay in the race for longer though so let’s see when I write up about it next week.


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