Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Body of a Whale

Bit of a nothing blog this week as I haven’t really been up to much. Since the half marathon last weekend, I have managed one 5k parkrun. That’s it. I have no real reasons for this lack of getting out there and throwing my body onto a road other than I just can’t be arsed. This is not an attitude I am particularly proud of, and I know it isn’t the most motivating thing you will read all day, but there it is. I can’t be arsed.

What else?... My Tri suit turned up yesterday. It’s an Orca Core something or other. I only chose it because I think that the white trim on the sides makes it look a bit like a killer whale (I wonder if that’s the looked Orca were going for when they designed it?...) Or at least it did in the pictures, modelled as they are by a clearly very fit invisible man. On me I achieved the rather disappointing rotund penguin look.

Oh. I know what else I haven’t written on here yet. This year’s events. My diary is now full, I will be booking no more for 2016 so please feast your eyes on this list.

13 March. Which is… err.. Agh. 3 weekends away. Larmer Tree 20 miler. I love taking part in the White Star Running events, and I ran the half last year. This medal looks awesome (as they always do with White star).

10th April I have a Cross Sportive, it’s about 40k and will be my wife’s first Sportive which is why we went for a distance we would both enjoy.

8th May I have a Wings for Life world run which looks brilliant. You run as far as you can ahead of a chase car which sets off a bit after the runners, my description doesn’t really explain what it’s all about but I feel am already writing too much.

22nd May. The rotund penguin has its first outing as I will take on my first Triathlon at the Eton Sprint tri. Currently I am not looking forward to this and I don’t know why I signed up for it in the first place.

25th June. Giant’s head Marathon. Another visit to a White Star event this time the medal has a spinning willy. Make of that what you will.

31st July I have the Ride London 100. I had forgotten I had entered onto the ballot and was lucky enough to get a place this year.

4th September I have the Shrewsbury Quadrathlon. This is the event I intend to build my year of training toward and I am looking forward to it at the moment.

1st October I have my biggest single distance in a day at the Gower Ultra marathon which tips in at just under 80 kilometres. I am peculiarly not daunted by this. I’m sure I will change my tune closer to the date.

So there it is, the reason I am going to have to change my “can’t be arsed” attitude and get my running clobber on again is approximately 500 kilometres of events and I want to look like a killer whale.

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