Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Winter Training

I find winter training really hard. Miserable weather and a warm house tend to stymie any chance of me putting on my trainers (and/or other specialist clothing for my sport of choice). Even this surprisingly mild winter we’ve had has been enough to keep me indoors. If it wasn’t for Parkrun I don’t think I would have done any exercise in 2016. I have run a rather paltry 30kms so far this year, an average of 6kms a week. In five days’ time I will be doing my first half marathon of the year and I think I will classify my prepared state as ‘under’. This isn’t the first time I have tapered all the way up to an event, and I have got away with being underprepared most of the time by being relatively fit, and relatively young. But I’m not as young as I think I am and last year I had a terrible time with an injury to my right MCL so I had intended to be a good athlete from now on, with a training schedule and everything, alas it wasn’t to be and here I am completing just the tapering part of the plan again.

In other news I’m off to the London Triathlon show on Saturday to learn more about multidiscipline events, possibly get some kit, and I’m hoping I might find a quadrathlon stand or two as well.

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